VON Smart

VON Exercise Leader Recruitment – Atikokan

  • November is falls prevention month and we are embarking on our annual fitness instructor recruitment efforts.
  • If you have ever considered leading exercise classes this is your opportunity.
  • No previous experience is required.
  • We provide all the training and equipment.
  • If you might be interested in becoming a Victorian Order of Nurses falls prevention exercise instructor in Atikokan, we invite you to call our office 807-344-0012 and speak to Francis or Banita.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the

Smart Program Supervisor at 807-344-0012 ext. 260
VON SMART Program (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together)


The Atikokan Employment Centre advertises the following job posting as a service to its clients and to the community. Atikokan Employment Centre is not responsible for the wording or content of the advertisements. All correspondence concerning each position should be directed to the contact name identified in the advertisement.